The 1st Haifa Enterprise Mobile Seminar

Organized by IBM Research - Haifa Tuesday July 7, 2015


Join us for a one-day leadership seminar on mobile technology in the business-place, to be held on Tuesday, July 7, 2015 at the IBM Research Lab, at the University of Haifa campus in Haifa, Israel.

The ubiquitous presence of smartphones is driving dramatic changes in organizations and enterprises. Leaders must re-evaluate their business processes to address new challenges, such as "bring your own device" to work (BYOD), data security, and more. Alongside these challenges, the mobile transformation presents an ideal opportunity for widespread innovation in organizations.

The full day seminar will cover the characteristics of the mobile era in the business-place. We will examine new technologies at the vanguard of research and development in this field—together with their business implications. Some of the topics we will cover include: mobile development challenges, mobile design, the influence of smartphones on client engagement, new infrastructures for mobile applications (backend services / systems of engagement), enterprise-level security/privacy enforcement, improving the energy efficiency of mobile applications, and more.

This seminar is relevant for managers who are influenced by the mobile transformation and want to learn how to address these challenges, as well as CIOs, CTOs, developers, ISVs, entrepreneurs who are developing applications for mobile, and researchers in the mobile computing domain.

A detailed program will be published soon.

Lunch and light refreshments will be served. Participation is free but registration is required.

Seminar organizers
