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Compiler and Architecture Seminar 2004

The Program
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Compilers in HRL

Seminar's Agenda (pdf 48KB)

09:15 Arrival

09:30 Welcome,
Michael Rodeh, Director, IBM Haifa Labs

09:45 Chip-level Integration Tradeoffs�the New Frontier for Microprocessor Design,
Jaime H. Moreno, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

10:15 Everything You Always Wanted to Know about SCALABILITY and Were Afraid to Ask,
Ronny Ronen, Intel Israel

10:45 Dynamically Controlled Resource Allocation in SMT Processors,
Francisco J. Cazorla, UPC, Enrique Fernandez, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Alex Ramirez, UPC, Mateo Valero, UPC

11:15 Coffee break

11:35 Inthreads: Code Generation and Implementation Notes,
Alex Gontmakher, Assaf Schuster, Gregory Shklover, Computer Science department, Technion

12:05 Inserting Data Prefetches into Loops in Dynamically Translated Code in IA-32EL,
Tevi Devor, Intel Israel

12:35 An Efficient Parallel Heap Compaction Algorithm,
Diab Abuaiadh, Yoav Ossia, Erez Petrank, Uri Silbershtein, IBM Haifa Labs

13:05 Lunch

14:00 Keynote: Trends in Compilers and Programming Languages at Apple Computer,
Ted Goldstein, Apple Computer

15:00 Autovectorization in GCC,
Dorit Naishlos, IBM Haifa Labs

15:30 Break

15:50 Validating the Translation of an Industrial Optimizing Compiler,
Ira Gordin, Raya Leviathan, Dept. of Computer Science, Weizmann Institute of Science and Amir Pnueli, New York University

16:20 Stabilization Preserving and Enforcing Compiler,
Olga Brukman, Shlomi Dolev, Yinnon Haviv, Computer Science department, Ben-Gurion University and Mooly Sagiv, Computer Science department, Tel Aviv University

16:50 Panel: Computer Architecture and Software Interactions�Outlook for the Future,
Ted Goldstein, Apple Computer
Jaime H. Moreno, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Ronny Ronen, Intel Israel
Alex Ramirez, UPC

Moderated by: David Bernstein, IBM Haifa Labs

17:20 Concluding Remarks,

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