AIofAI 2021
Conference paper

The future of AI ethics and the role of neurotechnology


As scientists and researchers, we are not only called to create and advance technology but also are obliged to ensure that new technology is designed and utilized in ways that are inclusive and trustworthy, that align with societal values, and that hold companies and people accountable to stringent and transparent standards. This responsibility is not new and is been widely discussed in the context of AI ethics. In this paper we point out that AI is gradually merging with neurotech, bringing new potential for positive impacts on our lives but also additional concerns. Therefore, we need to extend our capabilities to identify and address emerging ethics issues. However, we can and should exploit all the knowledge gathered and the capabilities developed in the area of AI ethics to accelerate the path towards addressing the expanded or even new issues raised by the combination of AI and neurotechnologies. This paper represents a first step in identifying the ethical issues and pointing out what neurotech brings to the discussion. It is also a call to action to AI ethics thought leaders and practitioners to support a larger multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder approach that includes expertise in AI+neurotech research, technology, and deployed solutions. Given that neurotechnologies are still emerging, there is a unique opportunity to learn from the past, think proactively about potential issues and negative impacts, and develop preventative technical, societal, and educational solutions before problems arise.



AIofAI 2021

