SoCS 2023
Conference paper

Generating SAS+ Planning Tasks of Specified Causal Structure


Recent advances in data-driven approaches in AI planning demand more and more planning tasks. The supply, however, is somewhat limited. Past International Planning Competitions (IPCs) have introduced the de-facto standard benchmarks with the domains written by domain experts. The few existing methods for sampling random planning tasks severely limit the resulting problem structure. In this work we show a method for generating planning tasks of any requested causal graph structure, alleviating the shortage in existing planning benchmarks. We present an algorithm for constructing random SAS+ planning tasks given an arbitrary causal graph and offer random task generators for the well-explored causal graph structures in the planning literature. We further allow to generate a planning task equivalent in causal structure to an input SAS+ planning task. We generate two benchmark sets: 26 domains for well-explored causal graph structures and 42 domains for existing IPC domains. We evaluate both benchmark sets with the state-of-the-art optimal planners, showing the adequacy for adopting them as benchmarks in cost-optimal classical planning.



SoCS 2023