JuliaCon 2023
Conference paper

Designing Machine Learning Pipeline Toolkit for AutoML Surrogate Modeling Optimization

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The pipeline optimization problem in machine learning requires simultaneous optimization of pipeline structures and parameter adaptation of their elements. Having an elegant way to express these structures can help lessen the complexity in the management and analysis of their performances together with the different choices of optimization strategies. With these issues in mind, we created the AutoMLPipeline (AMLP) toolkit which facilitates the creation and evaluation of complex machine learning pipeline structures using simple expressions. We use AMLP to find optimal pipeline signatures, datamine them, and use these datamined features to speed-up learning and prediction. We formulated a two-stage pipeline op- timization with surrogate modeling in AMLP which outperforms other AutoML approaches with a 4-hour time budget in less than 5 minutes of AMLP computation time.



JuliaCon 2023

