Information Retrieval Journal

A non-parametric topical relevance model

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An information retrieval (IR) system can often fail to retrieve relevant documents due to the incomplete specification of information need in the user’s query. Pseudo-relevance feedback (PRF) aims to improve IR effectiveness by exploiting potentially relevant aspects of the information need present in the documents retrieved in an initial search. Standard PRF approaches utilize the information contained in these top ranked documents from the initial search with the assumption that documents as a whole are relevant to the information need. However, in practice, documents are often multi-topical where only a portion of the documents may be relevant to the query. In this situation, exploitation of the topical composition of the top ranked documents, estimated with statistical topic modeling based approaches, can potentially be a useful cue to improve PRF effectiveness. The key idea behind our PRF method is to use the term-topic and the document-topic distributions obtained from topic modeling over the set of top ranked documents to re-rank the initially retrieved documents. The objective is to improve the ranks of documents that are primarily composed of the relevant topics expressed in the information need of the query. Our RF model can further be improved by making use of non-parametric topic modeling, where the number of topics can grow according to the document contents, thus giving the RF model the capability to adjust the number of topics based on the content of the top ranked documents. We empirically validate our topic model based RF approach on two document collections of diverse length and topical composition characteristics: (1) ad-hoc retrieval using the TREC 6-8 and the TREC Robust ’04 dataset, and (2) tweet retrieval using the TREC Microblog ’11 dataset. Results indicate that our proposed approach increases MAP by up to 9% in comparison to the results obtained with an LDA based language model (for initial retrieval) coupled with the relevance model (for feedback). Moreover, the non-parametric version of our proposed approach is shown to be more effective than its parametric counterpart due to its advantage of adapting the number of topics, improving results by up to 5.6% of MAP compared to the parametric version.



Information Retrieval Journal

