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IBM Research

Haifa Verification Conference 2008

IBM Haifa Labs


October 27-30, 2008
Organized by IBM Haifa Research Lab

When Multicore is Not Just About Architecture and Silicon Technology

Vladimir Tsymbal, Intel Corp

Introducing multicore architectures was an inflection point in mainstream software development and developers accepted the challenge shifting their focus to parallel programming. As a consequence, they faced a brand new category of problems to be solved in order to produce effective and correct software for their projects. What are the changes in the programming models? How do they affect the performance and correctness of software applications? How can we make sure that the new software will take advantage of constant improvement in semiconductors? Our talk discusses these questions and explains how Intel enriching the toolset for the software development community involved in the parallel software development process.


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Caesarea Rothschild Institute (CRI) IBM Research