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Speech Technologies Seminar 2008
July 02, 2008
Organized by IBM Haifa Research Lab

Prof. David Malah
David Malah received his BSc and MSc degrees in 1964 and 1967 from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and his PhD degree in 1971 from the University of Minnesota; all of his studies were in electrical engineering. Following two years on the staff of the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of New Brunswick in Canada, he joined the Technion, where he serves as Professor of Electrical Engineering holding the academic chair of Elron-Elbit. David is currently the Director of the Center for Communication and Information Technologies (CCIT) at the Electrical Engineering Department of the Technion. From 1979 to 2001 he spent sabbaticals and summer leaves at AT&T Bell Laboratories in New JerseyNJ, conducting research in the areas of speech and image communication. In the summer of 2004 he was at GCATT, Georgia Institute of Technology, working in the area of video processing. Since 1975 he has been the Academic Head of the Signal and Image Processing Laboratory (SIPL), at the Technion, which is active in image/video and speech/audio processing research and education. His main research interests are in image, video, speech and audio processing and coding; speech synthesis and enhancement; hyperspectral image analysis; data embedding in signals, and in digital signal processing techniques. He has been an IEEE Fellow since 1987 and a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation since 1999.