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IBM Research

Machine Learning Seminar 2005

IBM Haifa Labs

Invitation Program Registration Abstracts

June 05, 2005
Organized by IBM Research Lab in Haifa, Israel

Seminar's Agenda PDF version for printing (52 KB)

09:30 Gathering

10:00 Welcome,
Oded Cohn, IBM Haifa Research Lab

10:15 Some Disease Gene Hunting Algorithms,
Prof. Dan Geiger, Technion

10:45 Some Examples of ML Applications in Computational Biology,
Dr. Yaron Kinar, Compugen

11:15 Sparsity and Generalization in Machine Learning,
Prof. Ron Meir, Technion

11:45 Break

12:00 On the Application of Machine Learning in Simulation-based Verification Systems,
Dr. Shai Fine, IBM Haifa Research Lab

12:30 Keynote: The Problem of Empirical Inference,
Prof. Vladimir Vapnik, Columbia University and NEC Research Labs

13:30 Lunch

14:30 Information Theoretic Algorithms for Dimensionality Reduction,
Prof. Naftali Tishby, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem

15:00 - what's Machine Learning got to do with it?,
Oren Glickman,

15:30 Coffee break

15:45 Unsupervised Learning of Pair-wise Lexical Entailment,
Dr. Ido Dagan, Bar-Ilan University

16:15 Learning to Estimate Query Difficulty,
Dr. Elad Yom-Tov, IBM Haifa Research Lab

16:45 Regret Minimization Algorithms,
Prof. Yishay Mansour, Tel Aviv University

17:15 Concluding Remarks,
Dr. David Bernstein, IBM Haifa Research Lab


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